HSR pantograph assembly
Highspeedrailwaypantographassembly Thepantographsystemofhighspeedelectrifiedrailwayneedtohavegoodfollowpropertiesandstableperformance.Pantographofflinerateisoneofthecharactersofthehighspeedflowstability.Inrecentyears,ourcompanydevelopedvarioustypesofgoodqualitypantographandgotgoodpraisefromdomesticandforeignrailwaycompanies.
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High speed railway pantograph assembly
The pantograph system of high speed electrified railway need to have good follow properties and stable performance. Pantograph offline rate is one of the characters of the high speed flow stability. In recent years, our company developed various types of good quality pantograph and got good praise from domestic and foreign railway companies.
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